Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana questions & answers

Tropix 2 1.2 is a puzzle game that comes with eight different game modes
Question by Guest
March 14, 2024

A Puffer Popper section for the Tropix 2 game was inspired by an another video game called "Zuma", while did have a similar walkthrough for the another video game called "Bejeweled Blitz", when the player to use a Puffer Popper Meter do have the meter reaches a maxed out after matches all bubbles, you get the rapid shoot to pop the bubble when matched. In the Bejeweled Blitz game, there's only have a Blazing Speed after the Speed Chain was reaches a maxed out, you get of these any gems to match and explode by using a Flame Gem.

Swati Dubey
Answer by Swati Dubey

The Puffer Popper section in Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana was inspired by the video game "Zuma" and has similarities to "Bejeweled Blitz".

Question by Guest
March 13, 2024

A Stone Stacker section was inspired a similar walkthrough for the video game called "Tower Bloxx", when the player to place all stones on its turtle's back, while the turtle did have a pressed it to create a new tower. In Tower Bloxx game, there's only do have a restart the level and there's has no pressing available yet that ability to create a new building.

Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

Yes, a Stone Stacker section in "Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana" for Windows was inspired by a similar walkthrough for the video game called "Tower Bloxx".

Question by Guest
March 12, 2024

"RocketBowl" was inspired by the Coco-Bowl section in the Tropix 2 game, which is also developed and published by LargeAnimal.

Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

The Coco-Bowl game in "Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana" was inspired by "RocketBowl," which is also developed and published by LargeAnimal.

Question by Guest #113294029
February 27, 2022

In the treasure challenge, Water Words is also the another stage which is a very similar to the other GameHouse games like Super WHATword, when i try to collect the bonus words.

Rajesh Gupta
Answer by Rajesh Gupta

Yes, Water Words is the treasure challenge mode in the game "Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana" for Windows. It is similar to other GameHouse games like Super WHATword, where bonus words need to be collected.

Question by Guest #114588053
August 29, 2022

'Heavy Weapon' is a direct competitor to the game when uses weapon items like double fires, large coconuts, large bananas, starfruits, and others. The game was actually just looks like a pirates section in the Tropix 2 game.

Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

The pirate ship uses weapon items like double fires, large coconuts, large bananas, starfruits, and others in the game Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana.

Question by Guest #114588053
August 29, 2022

The game is similar like cooking academy, when collect ice cream to drop into a cone and finish the level. The recipe is also different a step, like Catch the Food, in the Ice Cream recipe section, which is appeared on the ice cream parlour section for Tropix 2 game.

Answer by Saumya Sharma

The bonus level for the Ice Cream Parlour in Tropix 2 game is to catch the food in the Ice Cream recipe section.

Question by Guest
January 30, 2022

The treasure challenge of the Stone Stack section also similar to the 1990s video game, Tarzan, also produced by disney where the level to collect sand dollars to finish the game. The whirlpool that the player turns around is also referred to as waterfall where the small and big logs to fall the player when the game is lost.

Answer by Ashish Bajaj

To obtain the stone stack in the treasure challenge mode of Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana, you need to collect sand dollars to progress through the game. The whirlpool in the Stone Stack section is similar to a waterfall, where logs can fall and end the game if the player loses.

Question by Guest
October 22, 2021

Similar game to the direct competitor, like tower bloxx, where player must stack slabs on top of each other rather than a tower slabs, often a video game called 'Stone Stack' or also known as the name called, 'Stone Bloxx'.

Answer by Ashish Bajaj

The Stone Stack game is not included in Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana.

Question by Guest
July 24, 2022

The game similar to lego racers when your own to build a new pirate ship, instead, where your own to create a new cars like this one.

Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

No, the question does not have to do with software. It is asking what is needed to build a new pirate ship in the game Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana. The answer is that the game is similar to Lego Racers, where players can build their own cars.

Question by Guest
January 30, 2022

Similar game like bookworm adventures where uses to match into the three or more fruits to abandon the ship in the Cascade section. The treasure challenge is also referred to as create words into the four tiles.

Answer by Akash Shah

The treasure challenge in "Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana" is referred to as creating words on the four tiles. This is because it involves forming words by connecting letters on four tiles. It is similar to games like "Bookworm Adventures" where players match three or more fruits to abandon the ship in the Cascade section.

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